Tuesday 8 October 2013


What is tourism?
-Travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes

-People travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes (WTO)

How important is it?
•In 2012 1,035,000,000 international tourist arrivals worldwide, representing a growth of 3.8% when compared to 2011

•In 2011 US$ 1.03 trillion (£660 billion) corresponding to an increase in real terms of 3.8% from 2010.

•30% of the worlds exports of services and 6% of overall exports of goods and services

Top 10 arrivals in 2011:

1. France  -  79.5 million
2. USA     -  62.3 million
3. China    -  57.6 million
4. Spain    -  56.7 million
5. Italy      -  46.1 million
6. Turkey  -  53.3 million
7. UK        -  29.2 million
8. Germany - 28.4 million
9. Malaysia - 24.7 million
10. Mexico - 23.4 million

Top 10 tourist reciepts in 2011:

1. USA  - $116.3 billion
2. Spain - $59.9 billion
3. France  - $53.8 billion
4. China - $48.5 billion
5. Italy - $43 billion
6. Germany - $38.8 billion
7. UK - $35.9 billion
8. Australia - $31.4 billion
9. Mexico - $27.8 billion
10. Hong Kong - $27.2 billion

What attracts tourists?

How has it changed in the UK? What has driven the changes?
•1950s - domestic or internationally small scale eg. fishing villages
•1960s - mass tourism in the costas
•1970s - expansion into Europe
•1980s - growth in travel to more distant places - Caribbean
•1990s - long haul grows globally
•2000s - recession and rejuvenation

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